
Agriculture Consultancy

At Farm kata, we consult farmers and interested people in consulting for all agriculture based businesses and related services.

  1. Project Report Preparation
  2. Agriculture Loans
  3. Agriculture Subsidy
  4. Agriculture Insurance
  5. Contract farming
  6. Skilled Labor
  7. Soil Testing
  8. Crop Consultancy
  9. Veterinary Services and implementation

Legal Consultancy

  • Legal Documentation.
  • Legal Advice
  • Agreements etc.

Agriculture Insurance

  1. Crop Insurance/ Life Insurance
  2. Cattle/ Buffalo/ Goat/ Poultry Insurance
  3. Machinery Insurance
  4. Vehicle Insurance
  5. Personal Accident/ Janata Personal Accident
  6. Group Mediclaim
  7. Group Insurance
  8. Laghu Bima Cattle/ Laghu Bima Health/ Laghu Bima Hut
  9. Farmers Package Insurance.

Agriculture Loan

At Farm kata, we consult farmers and interested people in consulting for all agriculture based businesses and related services.

We help farmers in getting the financial assistance in terms of various agriculture related Loans.

    • Crop loan
    • Term loan
    • Farm Mechanization Loan
    • Solar Pump Set Loan
    • Loans for Dairy Farms
    • Loans for Poultry Farms
    • Horticultural Loan
    • Forestry Loan
    • Project Loan
    • Agro Tourism Loan
    • Self Help Group Loans

Veterinary Services

  1. All types of Veterinary Services.
  2. All types of Medicine and Feeds
  3. Special Camps
  4. Annual Services of Vet Doctors for Farmers.
  5. Training & Seminar

Agriculture Subsidy

  1. Drip Irrigation
  2. Farm Mechanisation
  3. Subsidy under Horticulture Mission
  4. Phalbag Lagvad Yojana
  5. Cold Storage/ Pack House
  6. Subsidy For Diary Project
  7. Subsidy for Poultry Farm
  8. Subsidy for Goat Farm
  9. Subsidy Under Various Schemes of NABARD
  10. Various Subsidy Schemes of Development Corporation
  11. Agriculture Processing Units.

Soil Testing

What does Soil Testing determines?

    • Soil Test determines fertility.
    • The expected growth potential of the soil.
    • Nutrient deficiencies.
    • Potential toxicities from excessive fertility.
    • Presence of non-essential trace minerals.
    • Function of roots to assimilate minerals.

Why to get the Soil Testing Done?

    1. Increased yields
    2. Reduced operating costs
    3. Improved crop maturity
    4. Improved quality of crop
    5. Higher tolerance to disease and pest damage
    6. Increased growth

Crop Consultancy

  1. Land Development
  2. Plantation
  3. Cultivation
  4. Guidance of Pesticides & Insecticides
  5. Fertigation
  6. Post-harvest Management
  7. Storage
  8. Grading / Packing/ Marketing
  9. Minimum use of chemical inputs
  10. Various methods of high yield
  11. SMS & Telephonic Guidance
  12. Seminar, Training & Meetings with Specialists.

Contract Farming

  • Contract farming is an agreement between a buyer and farmers, which establishes conditions for the agriculture production and marketing of farm products.
  • In addition to this, it involves supplying farm inputs, land preparation, providing technical advice.
  • Contract farming helps in making the farmers to yield a lot and earn more.

Skilled Labor For Agriculture

We help in farming by providing skilled labor, which ultimately helps in more productivity, higher yields and greater profitability.

Fresh Vegetable Online Delivery

Online/Offline Marketing Consultancy

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